[112+] Skateboard Captions For Instagram 2023-(Quotes)

Not everyone’s idea of an exciting weekend is to laze at a beach with a Martini and a phone in hand. So, here are some skateboard captions for the adventurer in you.

So, if you are the kind that likes to capture pictures of yourself zooming on a skateboard, show off your skills as you share these pictures on social media.

Skateboard Captions

And don’t forget to accompany them with a powerful caption that wins more likes as people admire the star in you.If you are at a loss of words, here are some interesting skateboard captions that you can borrow:

Best Skateboard Captions For Instagram

Best Skateboard Captions
  • You know what makes me happy? Skateboarding, You, not so much…
  • Land on both feet.
  • Live long and Skate.
  • Skating star, in the making!
  • Skills on the wheels!
  • Move over boys, let a girl show you how to skate
  • I don’t always Skateboarding, Oh wait, Yes I do
  • For that photo of you and your skateboarding crew.
  • You sleep. we grind.
  • Skateboarding: Risk everything, Fear nothing, Live with no regrets
  • Doing this sweet thing called skateboarding.
  • My little rebel girl.
  • In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
  • Stop skate-stopping!

Skateboard Picture Captions

Skateboard Picture Captions
  • Girls just wanna skateboard in the sun.
  • You don’t stop boarding when you get old….you get old when you stop boarding.
  • Hey, here’s to you California. Beautiful haze of suburbia.
  • Kid tested, wife disapproved. 100% fun.
  • If you fail at Skateboarding there is always Football
  • Skate & Destroy
  • Ride hard or ride home
  • Speed kills but boredom kills faster… ride a skateboard
  • Good vibes only.
  • Skateboarding: Where the weak are killed & eaten
  • Skateboarding isn’t a sport, it’s a lifestyle.
  • Less work more skate
  • I don’t like Skating, I love it.
  • Catch you on the flip side.
  • Skills on wheels!

Funny Skateboard Captions

Funny Skateboard Captions
  • For that pic of you in the air on your skateboard.
  • Skateboarding doesn’t make you a skateboarder. Not being able to stop skateboarding make you a skateboarder.
  • Be the girl who decided to go for the big ramps.
  • Yes I am skater, I will kick your butt
  • Skateboarding teaches you how to take a fall properly. If you try to kickflip down some stairs, it might take you thirty tries – and you just learn how to take a tumble out of it without getting hurt.
  • Relationship status: falling in love with my skateboard.
  • I want you to skate.
  • Peace, Love and Skate.This is what summer dreams are made of.
  • If Skateboarding was easy, it would be called Football.
  • When in doubt, shred it out.
  • Totally Board
  • Ride with Pride
  • Push, don’t pollute.

Skateboard Riding Captions

Skateboard Riding Captions
  • I like you almost as much as Skateboarding.
  • I just want to skate and ignore all of my adult problems
  • All she does is skateboard, skateboard, skateboard.
  • If Skateboarding was easy, it would be called Football
  • Every once in a while, ditch your comfort zone.
  • There are no rules in Skateboarding
  • Keep calm and keep on pushing
  • Life is better when you’re at the skatepark.
  • Get busy skateboarding.
  • Life is a lot with skateboarding
  • You either love skateboarding, or you’re wrong.
  • Love the life you live.
  • Leavin’ all those worries behind.
  • I don’t like Skating, I love it

Skateboard Captions & Quotes for Instagram

Skateboard Captions & Quotes
  • Skate Boarding: That’s how I roll
  • You glow girl.
  • My little rebel girl. — Angels & Airwaves, Rebel Girl
  • Skater not Hater
  • Ride the concrete wave: from the old school to the next pool
  • I like you almost as much as Skateboarding
  • I’m either Skate or thinking about it.
  • I’ll catch you on the flip side.
  • When I get bored..I go board.
  • All I need in this life of sin is my girlfriends and my skateboard.
  • Ride hard, cause bones heal and chicks dig scars
  • I’m here for the snacks and skateboards.
  • I don’t always Skateboarding, Oh wait, Yes I do.
  • I roll with soul.
  • For me skateboarding is a lifestyle, I don’t really know anything different, my life revolves around skating, if I wasn’t a pro skater, I’d still be skating everyday.

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